KPH in 2024: Key Moments for LGBT+ Rights

2024 was an impactful year for LGBT+ rights in Poland, especially because of the game-changing elections in 2023. It was a year of progress, advocacy, and collaboration across politics, law, community support, and business. Here is our look back at what happened!
Amendments to the Criminal Code Reached Parliament
KPH, together with other organizations working for LGBT+ people, met with Adam Bodnar and Krzysztof Śmiszek to talk about the need for changes to the Criminal Code regarding crimes and hate speech. Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar apologized to the LGBT+ community for the harm done by the country.
The draft amendment to the Criminal Code was submitted to the Parliament, KPH took an active part in public consultations on the project and, like many non-governmental organizations, submitted comments. On the initiative of KPH, a conference on this matter was also held in the Parliament.
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Przeprosiny, prace nad ustawą o przestępstwach z nienawiści, nadzieje na partnerską współpracę – po spotkaniu w Ministerstwie Sprawiedliwości (“Apologies, work on hate crime legislation, and hopes for better cooperation were the main takeaways from the Ministry of Justice meeting.”)
Brak tożsamości płciowej w październikowym projekcie nowelizacji Kodeksu karnego – KPH składa uwagi (“Concerns raised over the lack of gender identity inclusion in the draft amendment to the Crimincal Code”)
Civil Partnerships as a Government Project
On October 18, the Government Legislation Center (Rządowe Centrum Legislacji) published a draft bill on registered civil partnerships. NGOs submitted feedback and held press conferences both before and after the consultations.
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Jest projekt ustawy o związkach partnerskich! (“The civil partnerships bill is here!”)
Konsultacje publiczne projektu ustawy o związkach partnerskich dobiegły końca. Zobacz wspólną opinię 14 organizacji LGBT+ (“Public consultations wrap up with joint opinions from 14 LGBT+ organizations.”)
The Commissioner for Human Rights took a Position on the Local Government Charters of Family Rights
The activities of the Equality Watch Coalition contributed to the repeal of 10 resolutions harmful to LGBT+ people in 2024. As a result, only three SKPR (Local Government Charters of Family Rights) resolutions remained in Poland, all in the Podkarpackie Voivodeship.
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Progress in overturning discriminatory resolutions.
“Equal Family” Campaign
At the end of April, KPH launched the “Equal Family” campaign, the aim of which was to obtain answers from every MP from PSL and Poland 2050 about how they would vote on the law on civil partnerships. The community also got involved. A total of 12,350 emails were sent. KPH received responses from only 25 MPs, including only 2 responses from the PSL.
Learn more:
Zapytaj posłów i posłanki Trzeciej Drogi, jak zagłosują w sprawie związków partnerskich – Kampania Przeciw Homofobii | Kampania Przeciw Homofobii (“Ask MPs how they will vote on civil partnerships”)
Zasłona milczenia PSL nad związkami partnerskimi i tęczowymi rodzinami. KPH podsumowuje akcję monitoringową “Równa rodzina” oraz apeluje do Donalda Tuska i PSL (“KPH calls on PSL and Donald Tusk to support civil partnerships law”)
Political Advocacy Academy and Advocacy Network
KPH launched the Political Advocacy Academy in collaboration with the Równość Foundation. This initiative provided activists across Poland with the skills and knowledge needed for effective LGBT+ advocacy. Additionally, KPH formed an Advocacy Network focused on supporting civil partnership initiatives, attracting around 60 participants.
Learn more:
Akademia Rzecznictwa Politycznego za nami (About Political Advocacy Academy)
Sieć Rzecznicza (About Advocacy Network)
KPH’s Position on Ordo Iuris and Other Issues
KPH has signed, and in many cases co-created, positions and appeals on important issues relating to LGBT+ people. For example it was our reaction to the Ordo Iuris guide for schools, an appeal regarding SLAPPs or a position paper containing key information on the situation of LGBT+ people in Poland for an independent UN expert. KPH was also present in international advocacy.
Learn more:
Nowy rok szkolny – nowa nagonka. Interweniujemy w sprawie poradnika dla szkół Ordo Iuris (“New school year – new battue. We are intervening in the matter of the Ordo Iuris school guide”)
Razem przeciwko SLAPP – KPH podpisało apel społeczeństwa obywatelskiego (“Together against SLAPP – KPH signed the appeal of civil society”)
UN expert calls for swift and decisive action to protect LGBT people
Legal Victories
TVP’s Apology for “Invasion”
After a lengthy legal battle, TVP apologized for the 2019 documentary “Invasion” which spread harmful misinformation about LGBT+ people during an election campaign. This legal win set a precedent for holding the media accountable.
Learn more:
Nie ma miejsca na homofobię w mediach publicznych – TVP musi przeprosić za “Inwazję”! (“TVP must apologize for spreading homophobia.”)
Jakub Kwieciński Won From TVP
The final judgment of the court of second instance was issued in the case of Jakub Kwieciński against TVP. The court confirmed the interpretation of the provisions of the so-called implementing act, according to which protection against discrimination in the workplace due to sexual orientation is available to every person, regardless of the basis of employment (B2B also). KPH supported the case financially as part of the strategic litigation program. Jakub was represented by attorney Paweł Knut and apl. adv. Milena Adamczewska-Stachura.
Learn more:
Ochrona przed dyskryminacją ze względu na orientację seksualną w miejscu pracy niezależnie od podstawy zatrudnienia – Jakub Kwieciński prawomocnie wygrywa z TVP (“Legal protection for LGBT+ workers strengthened.”)
Supreme Court Affirms “Rainbow Does Not Offend”
The Supreme Court ruled that placing a rainbow on religious icons does not constitute blasphemy. This decision upheld the rights of activists and rejected discriminatory interpretations of the law.
Learn more:
Tęcza nie obraża – końcowy wyrok Sądu Najwyższego ws. aktywistek oskarżonych o obrazę uczuć religijnych (“Rainbow is non-offensive icon”)
European Court of Human Rights Issued Another Judgment Against Poland
The European Court of Human Rights issued a judgment in the case of Katarzyna and Sylwia Formela v. Poland. The ECtHR again obliged Poland to introduce civil partnerships and found that the lack of legal protection and recognition of same-sex couples violates the European convention.
Learn more:
2:0 dla związków partnerskich – Polska po raz kolejny przegrywa w ETPCz. Brak prawnej ochrony i uznania par jednopłciowych narusza europejską konwencję (“Poland loses another case over civil partnerships”)
LGBT+ Community Support
Queer Cinema with Outfilm
KPH partnered with Outfilm (VOD platform for LGBT+ community) to bring LGBT+ cinema to smaller towns (under 200,000 people). Eight movie screenings were held. KPH also organized one in KPH’s office.
Learn more:
Zorganizuj Queerowe Kino z KPH! Pokaz filmu o osobach LGBT+ w Twoim mieście (“Host a queer movie screening in your town!”)
Grant Programs for Local Communities
Through funds like “” and “Building Equality Together,” KPH supported 23 groups with grants totaling over 179,000 PLN. Workshops were also held to boost skills in social media communication.
Learn more:
Razem z przekazujemy łącznie 50 tys. zł w ramach funduszu na lokalne inicjatywy LGBT+ (“Together with, we donate a total of PLN 50,000 PLN as part of the fund for local LGBT+ initiatives”)
Aplikuj do programu grantowego: “Wspólnymi siłami budujemy równość: wsparcie i rozwój dla lokalnych grup i organizacji LGBT+” (“Apply for LGBT+ local initiative grants”)
Supporting LGBT+ Visibility Days
KPH cooperated with various organizations and experts working for LGBT+ people (including QueerMuzeum, Together, we prepared posts on social media regarding Visibility and Awareness Days related to the diversity of gender and sexual identities.
Supporting Equality Marches
KPH co-funded 15 equality marches, including first-time events in Kołobrzeg, Stargard, Włocławek, and Rawicz. The “On the Road to Equality” (“W drodze po równość”) fund provided 50,000 PLN in support.
Learn more:
Aplikuj o grant na organizację marszu równości w ramach Funduszu marszowego KPH “W drodze po równość” – Kampania Przeciw Homofobii | Kampania Przeciw Homofobii (“Apply for funding for your equality march.”)
“Rainbow Friday” in Schools
The 8th edition of “Rainbow Friday” (“Tęczowy Piątek”) reached schools nationwide. Over 100 promotional kits were distributed, and 15 workshops were held in cities like Konin, Tychy, and Gdańsk.
Learn more:
Dziś odbyła się konferencja prasowa inaugurująca 8. edycję Tęczowego Piątku! (“The press conference inaugurating the 8th edition of Rainbow Friday took place today!”)
“Postcards from a Better World”
During events like the Women in Tech Summit and Warsaw Queer Week, KPH collected 400 postcards with heartfelt messages and dreams for a better future. These were delivered to the Prime Minister’s Office.
Almost 40 Matronages
KPH supported almost 40 initiatives related to the LGBT+ community! These included: events, films, books, exhibitions and performances.
“Pillars of Tolerance” Social Campaign
KPH has become a substantive partner of the nationwide social campaign Pillars of Tolerance (“Filary Tolerancji”). As part of the campaign, an artistic installation was created in a new urban space in Warsaw, intended for social campaigns. The illuminated installation includes images of ambassadors next to values such as freedom, equality, security, acceptance, happiness and love. Public figures such as Julia Wieniawa, Tomasz Raczek, Maciej Stuhr, Ogi Ugonoh, Red Lipstick Monster and Maciej Musiał joined the campaign as Ambassadors.
Wartości rozświetliły centrum Warszawy! Ruszyła kampania społeczna „Filary Tolerancji”, której jesteśmy organizacją partnerską! (“Values lit up the center of Warsaw! The “Pillars of Tolerance” social campaign has started, of which we are a partner organization!”)
Business Collaborations
“Crowns of Equality” Awards 2024
KPH celebrated allies and organizations advancing LGBT+ rights during the “Crowns of Equality” gala. Awards were given in seven categories, and the event was supported by 12 business partners.
“Crowns of Equality 2024” – Watch Video
Renewal of cooperation with Kubota
As part of cooperation with Kubota, 5 PLN from each pair of rainbow flip-flops sold was donated to KPH. Kubota also supported our Queer Cinema initiative by providing flip flops for some of the participants.
Learn more:
Kubota przekazuje część dochodu ze sprzedaży klapków Rzep Pride na wsparcie KPH (“Kubota donates part of the proceeds from the sale of Rzep Pride flip-flops to support KPH”)
Cooperation with Sephora Polska
In April, together with Sephora Polska, we organized Classes for Confidence – empowering workshops for transgender people, led by the Sephora Makeup Team in an inclusive, friendly atmosphere, with the support of KPH.
During two Warsaw Equality Parades, together with Sephora Polska, we created Safe Space, where people could get their makeup done for free.
Learn more:
Bezpłatne warsztaty makijażowe Sephora dla osób transpłciowych (“Free Sephora makeup workshops for transgender people”)
Wybierasz się na Paradę Równości? Odwiedź „Safe Space”, które tworzymy wraz z Sephora (“Are you going to the Equality Parade? Visit the “Safe Space” that we create together with Sephora”)
LGBT+ Diamonds Awards
KPH received a special award recognizing 23 years of advocacy and support for LGBT+ equality in Poland. This acknowledgment inspires us to keep going!
Learn more:
NKPH received a special award at the LGBT+ Diamonds Awards 2024!
Good Language Guide with IKEA
Together with IKEA, KPH contributed to the “Good Language Lexicon,” which promotes inclusive communication and counters harmful stereotypes.
Learn more:
IKEA publikuje Leksykon Dobrego Języka, a w nim rozdział KPH dot. osób LGBT+ (“IKEA publishes the Lexicon of Good Language, including a chapter of the KPH regarding LGBT+ people”)
2024 was a year of hope, progress, and collaboration. With your continued support, we will keep striving for equality and visibility for LGBT+ people in Poland.
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KPH in 2024: Key Moments for LGBT+ Rights
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