KPH in 2024: Key Moments for LGBT+ Rights
2024 was an impactful year for LGBT+ rights in Poland, especially because of the game-changing elections in 2023. It was a year of progress, advocacy, and collaboration across politics, law, community support, and business. Here is our look back at what happened! Politics Amendments to the Criminal Code Reached Parliament KPH, together with other organizations working for LGBT+ people, met with Adam Bodnar and Krzysztof Śmiszek to talk about the need for changes to the Criminal Code regarding crimes and hate speech. Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar apologized to the LGBT+ community for the harm done by the country. The...LGBT związki partnerskie -
UN expert calls for swift and decisive action to protect LGBT people
The UN Independent Expert on protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, Graeme Reid, called on the Government in Poland to take swift and decisive steps to combat discrimination and violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and other gender-diverse (LGBT) people. “It is imperative that the Parliament take action on necessary legal reforms on equality in Poland, to address human rights violations,” Reid said in a statement at the end of his 10-day visit to the country. “LGBT individuals are negatively affected by the lack of adequate protections,” he said. The expert said the slow pace of...LGBT -
Crowns of Equality – vote!
The Crowns of Equality (Korony Równości) are considered the most important awards granted in Poland for advocacy for the LGBT+ community. Vote in this year’s plebiscite by September 6th on (only in Polish). The jury nominated individuals and groups who have a chance to receive this year’s Crown of Equality in one of several categories of the plebiscite: ☑️ Activism: Tęczowe Rodziny Foundation, Kazik Strzelec, Anna Matras, ☑️ Institutions: Marshal’s Office of the Lublin Voivodeship in Lublin, dr Kosma Kołodziej, Aleksander Miszalski, ☑️ Law: Anna Mazurczak, Marcin Pawelec-Jakowiecki, Koalicja na rzecz związków partnerskich i równości małżeńskiej, ☑️ Media: Tomasz-Marcin...awards crowns of equality LGBT -
Polish government’s policies are ruining the lives of LGBT+ people: we are publishing the Report on the social situation of LGBTA people in Poland in the years 2019-2020.
The ever-thickening aura of homophobia and transphobia, rising scale of aggression and strengthening experiences of depression and suicidal thoughts are just some of the factors that lead LGBT+ people to consider leaving Poland. The Report on the social situation of LGBTA people in Poland in the years 2019-2020 illustrated the disastrous image of the reality and the perspectives of the non-heteronormative persons in the country. The 6th edition of the study, was conducted for the second time by the scientists from the Centre for Research on Prejudice at the University of Warsaw, as commissioned by the Campaign Against Homophobia and...LGBT poland report social sitiuation -
“I am LGBT – I am human” – you have to see this spot before the election.
Due to Andrzej Duda’s election campaign and conservative politicians saying, “The LGBT community are not people, they are ideologies,” June’s Pride Month turned into a festival of homophobic hatred. That’s the reason the Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH) recorded a spot in only 4 days, in which almost a half a thousand people from the LGBT community showed their face and each and every one of them declared their humanity. Through our spot we want to deal with the dehumanizing myth of a non-existent ideology once and for all, strengthen the LGBT community, and mobilize everyone and anyone to vote in the...Human Ideology LGBT Video
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