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About us

Campaign Against Homophobia is one of the most effective organizations working for the LGBT+ community in Poland. We engage in political advocacy at both national and international levels, participate in legal proceedings, and support the LGBT+ movement. Since our establishment in 2001, KPH has had a clear goal - we want to build a Poland of equal rights, where respect and dignity are guaranteed to everyone regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics. The change we fight for requires commitment and strength, and that's exactly what KPH is - committed and strong. We are advocates for the LGBT+ community. Together, we are building a just and open society.

Areas of activity


KPH is one of the most effective Polish organisations advocating for the LGBT+ community. We advocate for the LGBT+ community on national and international level through social and political advocacy, court proceedings supporting the LGBT+ movement and through cooperation with business. Since our establishment in 2001 our goal is clear – we want to make Poland a country of people enjoying equal rights, where respect and dignity are guaranteed to all regardless of their psychosexual orientation, gender identity and sexual characteristics.This change requires commitment and strength. And these are our qualities at KPH - we are committed and strong.We are the Ministry of Equal Rights. We are the advocates for the LGBT+ community. We will create a fair and inclusive system. A system called Poland.


Management Board

  • Photo of Urszula Jakubowska

    Urszula Jakubowska

    Co-Chairperson of the Board

  • Photo of Anna Maria Szymkowiak

    Anna Maria Szymkowiak

    Co-Chairperson of the Board

  • Photo of Marcin Rodzinka-Verhelle

    Marcin Rodzinka-Verhelle

    Secretary of the Board

  • Photo of Agnieszka Kulikowska

    Agnieszka Kulikowska

    Treasurer of the Board

  • Photo of Dorota Stobiecka

    Dorota Stobiecka

    Member of the Board

KPH history


KPH is an independent non-government organisation basing its activity on the non-profit principle. In order to maintain financial independence and stability, our budget is based on four main sources of funding:

  • 1


    Funds coming from grant-making organisations operating in Poland, Europe and the US, as well as from European Union institutions and embassies are a significant source of financing for KPH's activities.

  • 2


    One of the four sources of KPH's funding is constituted by one-off and recurring donations from individual donors, which are an important confirmation of the need for our association's existence.

  • 3

    1.5% of personal income tax

    An important source of funding for KPH is money coming from the 1.5% personal income tax donation scheme. In 2022, KPH obtained 874 970 PLN this way.

  • 4


    Financial support for KPH is also provided by business entities, small and medium-sized enterprises as well as corporations. Financial support from companies takes the form of donations or financial cooperation in implementing a specific action.

Rules for accepting funds

  • Independence

    We do not accept funding from the Polish national government, local governments and political parties.

  • Mission

    We are seeking funding for activities that are in line with our statutory objectives and operating strategy. We do not carry out activities ordered by other entities.

  • Decision rights

    Grant-makers, sponsors, business partners and individuals who support KPH with donations and 1.5% of their personal income tax have no right to decide on the operation or activities of the organisation.

  • Transparency

    KPH is a financially transparent organisation – our financial statements are available on the association's website. We also require financial transparency from the entities that support us.


KPH Newsletter

Subscribe to our newsletter and we will make sure you receive information about the actions undertaken by our organization.

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