KPH in 2024: Key Moments for LGBT+ Rights
2024 was an impactful year for LGBT+ rights in Poland, especially because of the game-changing elections in 2023. It was a year of progress, advocacy, and collaboration across politics, law, community support, and business. Here is our look back at what happened! Politics Amendments to the Criminal Code Reached Parliament KPH, together with other organizations working for LGBT+ people, met with Adam Bodnar and Krzysztof Śmiszek to talk about the need for changes to the Criminal Code regarding crimes and hate speech. Minister of Justice Adam Bodnar apologized to the LGBT+ community for the harm done by the country. The...LGBT związki partnerskie -
The Strasbourg Court has ordered Poland to recognize the rights of same-sex couples. The denial of civil unions and marriage equality is discrimination. “Mr. Prime Minister, let’s meet,” say LGBT+ organizations and lawyers.
The Strasbourg Court has ordered Poland to recognize the rights of same-sex couples. The denial of civil unions and marriage equality is discrimination. “Mr. Prime Minister, let’s meet,” say LGBT+ organizations and lawyers. Today (December 12, 2023) the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) ruled in a case against Poland brought by five Polish same-sex couples seeking legal recognition of their relationships. The ruling states that Poland has violated the Convention and has an obligation to introduce legal protection for same-sex couples. The form of this protection shall be appropriate and shall protect same-sex couples effectively. The verdict comes after...
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