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Political advocacy

What we do?

The outcome of the recent parliamentary elections has brought hope for legal change and real improvements for LGBT+ people. KPH recognizes and uses this opportunity to effectively turn it into a dignified, happy and safe life for our community in Poland.

We inform, report, pressure and actively cooperate with politicians of the democratic ruling camp and local authorities. We monitor the work of key decision-making institutions at home and abroad, and provide them with reliable data on the situation of the community. We consult and push for legal changes. We fight against “LGBT-free zones.”

We intervene and comment on a regular basis: we issue expert positions and opinions and speak out on key issues for LGBT+ people, with reliable data and research behind every word we say.

We act according to plan and with a view to making our work as effective as possible: we stand firm and achieve our goals. We are going for a Poland of equal rights.

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