Support for LGBT+ movement
What we do?
We support organisations and activist groups advocating for the LGBT+ community in the public sphere.
Improvement of the situation of LGBT+ people in Poland depends on strong NGOs and activist groups. These entities need to be well prepared to advocate for the rainbow community both in terms of their organisation, which requires financial independence, stability and awareness of their objectives, and in terms of their background, i.e. material and human resources as well as expertise allowing them to operate in a sustained and efficient manner meeting the needs of the LGBT+ community. At present, these needs are not being met due to the attitude of the Polish society and authotires towards LGBT+ people – and that is what needs to change.
Amendment to the Criminal Code on Hate Crimes and Hate Speech Is About Ensuring Everyone’s Safety – NGOs Claim
We Can Afford Equality! KPH Discusses EU Funds at the Zlot Obrończyń i Obrońców Praw Człowieka
UN expert calls for swift and decisive action to protect LGBT people