MSZ w sprawie mowy nienawiści
MSZ odpowiada Radzie Europy w sprawie praw osób LGBT w Polsce, w tym mowy nienawiści.
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych przedstawiło raport ze stanu prac nad implementacją przez rząd polski rekomendacji Komisarza ds. Praw Człowieka Rady Europy, Thomasa Hammarberga przedstawionych w formie memorandum w dniu 29 maja 2007 r. Odpowiedź dotyczy także mowy nienawiści w stosunku do osób LGBT.
Poniżej tekst odpowiedzi rządu polskiego (w języku angielskim):
Recommendation 9
Put in place adequate legal measures to combat hate speech and discrimination of those with different sexual orientation or gender identity. Take appropriate measures to raise awareness of diversity in cooperation with civil society.
Within the framework of the European Year of Equal Opportunities for All, the MLSP initiated the work of an Advisory Committee, within which a working group was established to counter discrimination for reason of sexual orientation. March 2008 saw the publication of a report on the situation of sexual minorities, titled “Report on survey results: the situation of sexual minorities in Poland in the light of empirical research”. The research was conducted in the largest Polish cities (Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow,Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia), among the frequenters of LGBT clubs. The researchers obtained sociological information about the respondents and statistical data about their education levels, age, vocational situation, values and aspirations. The report provided information on the respondents’ personal experience with discrimination and about how that differed from common perceptions of discrimination against the LGBT community. The report also contained data on physical violence against gays and lesbians, problems with the disclosure of one’s sexual orientation (coming out) and postulates of the LGBT community addressed to the society at large.
(The text of the report is available at
Intensive legislative works have continued on the above-mentioned Law on equal treatment, which is designed to provide comprehensive protection for persons subjected to discrimination, including discrimination for reason of sexual orientation.
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W najbliższym czasie ukaże sie raport KPH na temat homofobicznej mowy nienawiści w Polsce.
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