The Campaign Against Homophobia’s (KPH) commentary on President Andrzej Duda’s Family Charter

The Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH) has issued a commentary in relation to President Andrzej Duda’s signing the Family Charter. Please find the commentary below:
Andrzej Duda has just signed the Family Charter where, among others, he commits to: Defending the institution of marriage which means no acceptance for same sex marriages, not giving his acceptance for adoption of children by same sex couples., protecting children from the non-existent LGBT ideology.
We have no doubt that he’s just playing his presidential campaign game trying to gain the electorate by setting it on LGBT persons.
Mister President, let us say it out loudly and clearly once again: there is no such thing as the “LGBT ideology” – it’s just a homophobic construct. LGBTs are lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender persons who personally experience the consequences of homophobic and transphobic hate which you also fuel. Those people are Kacper, Dominik and Milo, who are no longer here with us, because the homophobic propaganda of the profit-oriented authorities killed them.
It’s time to change it and we will do it! We will remember about it, Mister President and we will settle accounts with you by the ballot boxes. Let June 28th be the day when freedom, respect and mutual solidarity in Poland prevails!
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