Wesprzyj KPH

Lithuanian Gay League (LGL) poszukuje osób z Polski zainteresowanych odbyciem stażu w organizacji w ramach programu EVS (European Voluntary Service). Deadline składania aplikacji mija 15 lutego 2013 r. Zachęcamy do aplikowania!

Szczegółowe informacje na temat na stronie LGL oraz na Facebook’u.


Hosting/Coordinating organization: Lithuanian Gay League (LGL)
Sending organizations: Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland and Fundacja Dla Wolnosci, Poland
Place of service: Vilnius, capital city of Lithuania (EU)
Duration of service: 08/07/2013 – 30/04/2014 (10 months)
Accommodation: Volunteer will be living in the city of Vilnius. Two EVS volunteers will share one flat. Each volunteer will be provided with a separate room.
Travel/food/accommodation/other expenses – compensated by the project
Deadline for application: 15th of February 2013


The Lithuanian Gay League is a national non-profit, non-governmental organization uniting homosexual, bisexual, and transgender persons. The organization is a member of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) since 1994 and International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation (IGLYO) since 2009. LGL was founded in 1995 as a Lithuanian Gay League, is an advocacy organization dedicated to fighting homophobia and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Through education, support, and representation of the LGBT community, LGL promotes an inclusive social environment for gay men, lesbian women, and bisexual and transgender persons. All of the LGL projects and activities are related to non-discrimination and LGBT people’s rights. EVS project is not an exception. More at www.atviri.lt


An overall objective of the project “Crossing Borders for Diversity” is to combine our knowledge and experience with volunteer’s fresh ideas and creative initiatives in order to develop new tools for overcoming homophobia and social exclusion both in Lithuania and Europe.
Project aims are:
• to develop new means, approaches and methods of work with the local LGBT youth community;
• to strengthen and develop international cooperation and communication;
• to encourage active participation of young LGBT persons in the organization’s activities;
• to facilitate the learning process for the volunteers to develop practical skills, acquire knowledge, express own ideas;
• to give the possibility for young people from beyond the European Union to meet the values promoted by the European Community and spread them within their own countries;
• to develop creativity of young activists and give them new skills which they could use in their future life.


Volunteer will contribute her/his work and efforts to strengthen LGBT youth and improve situation of LGBT rights in Lithuania. Through international communication activities volunteer will make LGBT people and their problems more visible to the international institutions, organizations and general public. Through the assistance on LGL youth projects they will invite LGBT community to participate in LGL activities and to be socially active and involved.
Volunteer will be working with communication activities aimed at strengthening and developing international communication and cooperation and will also coordinate activities related to Baltic Pride 2013 in Vilnius.
Activities of the volunteers will be:
– developing ideas for personal project on youth work (it is up to the volunteer to bring in her/his own ideas and initiatives);
– regular information updating on websites www.lgl.lt; www.atviri.lt; www.balticpride.eu; Facebook, blogs and Youtube channel;
– helping with communication and exchanging information with international organizations and partners, such as ILGA-Europe, IGLYO, ANSO, EP Intergroup on LGBT rights, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ILGA, FRA etc;
– helping with correspondence and replying to requests from international partners;
– data collection;
– taking part in preparation for Baltic Pride 2013 in Vilnius (volunteers will cooperate with two other EVS volunteers who are carrying their service in LGL from 07/10/2012 to 07/08/2013);
– developing ideas for future projects and activities of LGL.


LGL will accept one volunteer from Finland and one volunteer from Poland.
The ideal candidate”
– is fluent in English;
– have great computer and communication skills;
– experience in editing (especially web page editing) is desirable;
– is between 18 and 30 years old;
– is highly motivated and creative.

More information about European Voluntary Service and eligibility criteria can be found here: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/youth/programme/action2_en.php


Please send your CV and short (1 page) motivation letter to Ceren@gay.lt . Or inquire the Sending Organisations Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland (maailmanvaihto@maailmanvaihto.fi) and Fundacja Dla Wolnosci, Poland (wolontariat@fundacjadlawolnosci.org) to contact us for you.

Deadline for application: 15th of February 2013

If you have any additional questions please contact us via Ceren@gay.lt or call +370 5261 03 14.


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