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We Can Afford Equality! KPH Discusses EU Funds at the Zlot Obrończyń i Obrońców Praw Człowieka

On November 29-30, 2024, the Zlot Obrończyń i Obrońców Praw Człowieka (Human Rights Defenders’ Gathering) took place – one of Poland’s largest events for civil society, providing a platform for representatives of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from diverse fields to come together. During the event, Campaign Against Homophobia (KPH) led a panel focused on EU funding in the context of LGBT+ rights in Poland.

The Zlot for the third time was organized by Ogólnopolska Federacja Organizacji Pozarządowych, Inicjatywa „Nasz Rzecznik”, Sieć Obywatelska Watchdog Polska, Fundusz Obywatelski im. Ludwiki i Henryka Wujców, and Helsińska Fundacja Praw Człowieka.

Discussions during the event addressed topics such as the role of European funds in supporting democracy and fundamental rights, including LGBT+ human rights, as well as civil society’s plans and demands for Poland’s upcoming presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The Zlot Obrończyń i Obrońców Praw Człowieka provided an excellent opportunity for participants to share experiences, build connections, and strengthen relationships among NGO representatives.

KPH’s Panel 

On Friday, November 29, Olga Plesińska and Annamaria Linczowska from KPH hosted the panel titled “We Can Afford Equality – EU Funds and LGBT+ Rights in Poland. A Case Study of the Equality Watch Coalition.” They shared their experiences and encouraged other NGOs to explore unconventional and innovative solutions. They emphasized leveraging advocacy and EU funding regulations to combat discrimination and promote equality.

The Koalicja na Rzecz Równych Praw „Equality Watch” is the first coalition in Europe bringing together NGOs involved in EU Funds Monitoring Committees, focusing on upholding non-discrimination principles and the Karta Praw Podstawowych (Charter of Fundamental Rights). In 2023, 13 Polish organizations joined forces to challenge discriminatory anti-LGBT+ resolutions and Samorządowe Karty Praw Rodzin (Family Rights Charters).

Thanks to the efforts of KPH, activists, and organizations within the Koalicja na Rzecz Równych Praw „Equality Watch”, 101 discriminatory resolutions targeting the “LGBT ideology” and Family Rights Charters have been repealed. As a result, only three discriminatory resolutions remain in Poland, all being Family Rights Charters still enforced in the Podkarpackie region.

Award for Advocate Radosław Baszuk

On Saturday, the Nagroda Obywatelska im. H. Wujca (H. Wujec Civic Award) was presented to adw. Radosław Baszuk, for supporting activists in cases involving protests, border assistance, and alleged offenses against religious sentiments. He notably represented defendants in the case of the Tęczowa Maryja (Rainbow Virgin Mary) artwork. This award honors individuals who provide critical support to social and activist efforts. Congratulations to the laureate!

Thank You for the Opportunity

We are grateful for the chance to share our perspective during the Zlot and for the many inspiring conversations with participants. See you next year!


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