Donate KPH


KPH is one of the most effective Polish organisations advocating for the LGBT+ community. Our goal is clear – we want to make Poland a country of people enjoying equal rights, where respect and dignity are guaranteed to all regardless of their psychosexual orientation and gender identity. Work with us – let others see that LGBT+ rights are an important part of your political agenda.


Contact us

Areas of coopeation

  • 1

    Expert consultations

    We have access to reliable data, conduct research, publish reports, and share our knowledge with politicians during individual or group expert consultations.

  • 2

    Assistance regarding current events

    We help interested parties understand current events regarding the LGBT+ community. Thanks to our support, politicians interested in providing a running commentary on the Polish reality will definitely not fall behind.

  • 3

    Project reviews

    We analyse and review draft legislation (including, but not limited to, bills and resolutions), political programs and initiatives concerning the LGBT+ community. We know what legal solutions will increase equality for LGBT+ people and we support politicians in this regard.

  • 4

    Participation in events

    We make sure that the demands of the LGBT+ community are visible, and we are active and involved in political life in Poland. Contact us if you want KPH to participate in an event you are organizing.

At a Glance

  • 12

    discriminatory resolutions are still in force at the local level (anti-LGBT resolutions, Local Charters of Family Rights), all of which should be abolished

    source: Uchwały anty-LGBT i inne dyskryminujące akty prawne (Paulina Pająk, Jakub Gawron, Paweł Preneta, Kamil Maczuga)

  • 60%

    of Polish citizens support linking EU funding to the elimination of so-called LGBT-free zones

    source: - Wyborcy PiS gotowi poświęcić pieniądze z UE, byle utrzymać strefy wolne od ideologii LGBT [SONDAŻ]

  • 48%

    of Poles expect the Sejm to adopt the Marriage Equality Act in 2023

    source: - Wyborcy opozycji: w przyszłym Sejmie chcemy równości małżeńskiej dla osób LGBT [SONDAŻ OKO.PRESS]

  • 67%

    of Poles support the possibility of formalizing same-sex partnerships

    source: Ipsos - Większość Polaków chce legalizacji związków osób tej samej płci

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