The Court ordered TVP to take “Invasion down from Youtube. Another success of KPH!
As a result of the intervention of Campaign against Homophobia (KPH), the District Court in Warsaw issued an injunction in which it compels TVP to remove “Invasion” from Youtube. It is a great success of KPH and Jakub Turski, an attorney who represents us and whose efforts have caused this homophobic and socially harmful libel to be taken off of the Internet – comments on the Court’s decision Slava Melnyk, the Executive Director of KPH. There are other actions against TVP already in the works and therefore, KPH starts raising funds with the “Fundraiser: Equality Invasion of TVP”. On October...Court Media YouTube -
We are watching you: shameful civic bills sent for further work in the parliamentary commissions.
At the time of the raging epidemic, the authorities at the last moment put on the agenda civic initiative bills extremely restricting access to abortion and to sex education. KPH called for rejection of both bills at first reading. The votes of majority of MPs directed the proposals for further works in the committees and can be proceeded at any time. It is a scandal that during an epidemic the Parliament is pushing forward projects that cause such social resistance. Just by the announcements of its introduction, we can already see the chilling effect of the law that aims to punish...Abortion Law -
KPH’s position on the attack on reproductive rights and the right to reliable sex education.
During the crisis, when hospitals and healthcare workers are overloaded, the government has no control over the situation, people are losing their jobs massively or are at risk of losing those, and entrepreneurs lose their sources of income, there is no space for a reliable public debate on topics related to human and reproductive rights. Shameful draft bills in the Polish Parliament On April 15th and 16th, 2020, the Parliament will debate on shameful, objectionable citizens’ initiative draft bills regarding – among others – restrictions on the right to abortion and access to reliable sex education. KPH opposes these two...Abortion reproductive rights sex education Statement -
A court trial for the Atlas of Hate?! Terrorized LGBT activists from Poland face lawsuit
Kuba, Paulina and Paweł created The Atlas of Hate in which they follow discriminatory resolutions adopted by local governments throughout Poland. The Atlas has already gained recognition all over the world. Now, the authors face a trial for indicating on the map of Poland the municipalities that have adopted the Local Government Charter of the Rights of the Family. Show solidarity with the heroic trio attacked by the radicals associated with Ordo Iuris – join the action “Stand up for Kuba, Paulina and Paweł! #HeroicTrio.” While others were passively observing the discriminatory actions of local authorities, Kuba, Paulina and Paweł... -
Stypendium na Central European University
Uniwersytet Środkowoeuropejski (Central European University) w Wiedniu we współpracy z Kampanią Przeciw Homofobii uruchomił program stypendialny na kierunek Executive MBA skierowany do wybitnych managerów/ek LGBT z Polski. Osoba, która otrzyma stypendium, będzie mogła skorzystać z 90 proc. zniżki na wynoszące 25.000 Euro czesne. Stypendium jest skierowane do osób nieheteronormatywnych i niecispłciowych. Termin nadsyłania wniosków aplikacyjnych mija 22 marca. Na czym polega stypendium? Uniwersytet Środkowoeuropejski (CEU) we współpracy z Kampanią Przeciw Homofobii uruchomił wysoce konkurencyjny, oparty na kryteriach merytorycznych program stypendialny skierowany do wybitnych managerów/ek LGBT z Polski na kierunek Executive MBA. Osoba, która otrzyma stypendium, będzie mogła skorzystać z 90...Central European University Menadżer Stypendium -
Poland with the new act banning the use of conversion pseudotherapies on the LGBT people
Poland joins the group of European countries which parliament will discuss introducing legal ban on conversion therapies. A similar bill is currently in being proceeded in Germany and Ireland. In Poland the project was submitted to the parliament by a liberal party – Nowoczesna, which worked on the draft alongside the biggest Polish LGBT organization – Campaign Against Homophobia. The conversion pseudotherapies targeting the LGBT community have hit the headlines in Poland in March 2018, when the European Parliament published an annual report on the fundamental rights in the EU. The topic of pseudotherapies resurfaced in September of the same year, when...Ban conversion therapies
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